

We first tried to call this game Boomerang, but Connection is what stuck. This is just a talking game we made up…we play in the car, waiting rooms, dinner table… one person starts with a random word (a toddler is a great random word generator) and you take...
Bucket Fishing

Bucket Fishing

Fill a bucket or plastic bin with water and bath toys. Let the kids use a net to catch the floating toys. Blindfold older...
The Die Game

The Die Game

This game game to us from Ms. Erin, Annika’s teacher. Totally flexible and adaptable to any location or age. Get a die, fill out the chart with rules for what to do for each number. Kids take turns rolling the die and doing whatever you have written next to each...
Ultimate Clue Path (Quarantine Edition)

Ultimate Clue Path (Quarantine Edition)

I have set up a simple version of this game, called Clue Path in the past, but this Ultimate version turned out to be a nice alternative. Fewer clues, but more drawn out, and less of a race. Quite nice for a rainy Saturday morning.  Basically, it’s linked...
Tickets to the Show

Tickets to the Show

Perfect Friday activity. A good incentive to the kids to clean their rooms (or whatever task), yields some downtime for you, and–printable included! I have to say that this was my husband’s idea. The build-up and presentation is key. I mean, they were so...
Digital Photo Scavenger Hunt (Indoor)

Digital Photo Scavenger Hunt (Indoor)

Printable included! Give kids your old point-and-shoot digital cameras a list of items to find. You will have to adapt to your house. Be as specific as your kids can handle. Draw pictures next to words for non-readers. Easily switchable to outdoors. Go Easy On...