The Die Game

The Die Game

This game game to us from Ms. Erin, Annika’s teacher. Totally flexible and adaptable to any location or age. Get a die, fill out the chart with rules for what to do for each number. Kids take turns rolling the die and doing whatever you have written next to each...
Design a Mermaid Tail

Design a Mermaid Tail

Print the mermaid tail and make it fancy. Or draw it, that will work too. Go Easy On YourselfPrint a Mermaid Tail Mermaid tails are a little hard to draw. I know, because I drew this one. It’s not too svelte, but I went for maximum coloring area. Print a school...
Design a T-shirt

Design a T-shirt

Draw a t-shirt. Design it. Cut it out. Go Easy On YourselfPrint a Shirt I know it’s easy to draw a shirt, but this way, you don’t have to! Print a few of them. Go pick up that book and take some deep breaths while the kids argue about crayons. Print...
Woodland Critters Bookmarks

Woodland Critters Bookmarks

I’m not gonna lie, this was a quick Google find today. So many activities out there involving materials I don’t have…or paint. (Are those people crazy?) This one had a few printables, which I printed on a black and white printer and made the kids...
Digital Photo Scavenger Hunt (Indoor)

Digital Photo Scavenger Hunt (Indoor)

Printable included! Give kids your old point-and-shoot digital cameras a list of items to find. You will have to adapt to your house. Be as specific as your kids can handle. Draw pictures next to words for non-readers. Easily switchable to outdoors. Go Easy On...